The Enhanced Data Sharing Model (EDSM)

The clinical computer system used at Tasburgh Lodge Surgery is SystmOne. It is a system that is used widely in this area and across England. This system gives us a facility (The Enhanced Data Sharing Model – EDSM) to share your health record with other health providers involved in your care.

Your health record includes your medical history, details about your medication and any allergies you may have. You can now choose whether to share these full medical details with other health provider units (for example District nurses).

Many organisations may use SystmOne including some GP practices, out of hours services, children’s services, community services and some hospitals. Sharing your health record will help us deliver the best level of care for you.

You have two choices which allow you to control how your record is shared. You can change these choices at any time by completing the EDSM Consent Form and returning it to a member of the reception team.

Sharing OUT

This controls whether your information recorded at this practice can be shared with other health care providers.

Sharing IN

This determines whether or not this practice can view information in your record that has been entered by other services who are providing care for you or who may provide care for you in the future.

Imagine you are receiving care from three services, your GP, a district nurse and a smoking clinic. You want your GP and district nurse to share information with each other and you want both of them to know your progress at the smoking clinic.  However, you don’t want the smoking clinic to see any of your other medical information.

Your sharing choices at each place would be:-

The GPs can share information IN and OUT

The district nurses can share information IN and OUT

The smoking clinic can not share IN but can share OUT


  1. In very exceptional circumstances your information may be shared without your permission – for example if your life is at risk.
  2. A parent can give consent to share a child’s record.  This will be recoded as “Consent Not Asked” and “parental consent given” noted as the reason why the record was shared.
  3. Vaccinations will be shared regardless of whether there is a consent to share or not.