Lincolnshire East Clinical Commisioning Group

Tasburgh Lodge Surgery is part of the Lincolnshire East Clinical Commisioning Group (LECCG). The 30 practices that form LECCG are working to gether to improve the quality and delivery of health services for our patients.

LECCG are made up of three localities – Boston Area,  East Lindsey, Skegness and Coast, all with very different challenges. 

These include areas of socio-economic deprivation, people growing older and living longer high numbers of obese people and people living with long term conditions like diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

It’s our job to understand the health needs of local people to invest in services that will give you, our patients, better healthcare. 

Because local GPs and health professionals are responsible for planning and buying the health services now LECCG is closer to patients than ever before.
East Lindsey

Lincolnshire East CCG

East Lindsey Clinical Commissioning Locality is made up of a group of GPs from 14 practices in the east of Lincolnshire. We are working together to improve the quality and delivery of services for our patients and to reduce health inequalities across the area.

We have worked hard to maintain and reshape local services for our local population, developing a significant programme of work and public consultation around the model of care provided in East Lindsey using Louth Hospital as the community hub.

The prevalence of some long term conditions is higher than those in Lincolnshire overall – for example Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease and Diabetes.  Taking into account the specific characteristics that influence the health needs of you, our patients, our work is constantly evolving but our fundamental focus remains ensuring, wherever possible, services are delivered safely and efficiently closer to you. 

The 14 Practices that form the East Lindsey CCG: